Welcome to the Temple Training Blog, friends!
So grateful to each of you, either first-time readers or those who keep coming back!
Happy Valentine’s Day to all!
This is a bit of an interesting holiday… If you look into the history of it, it began because a man was martyred for believing in Christ (St. Valentine). According to Wikipedia, Valentine lived in the third century and ministered to persecuted Christians in the Roman Empire. There is not a lot of information about him, and perhaps his story may be based on one or more different Christian martyrs. However, the heart (pardon the pun) remains the same: a giving up of one’s life for the glory of God.
Today can be all about what we are going to “get” from our significant others, or even for ourselves if we are single. How amazing would it be if we chose instead to give abundantly today? For a holiday that began with someone laying down his life for His Lord, perhaps each of us can lay aside a little time or money to bless someone else today!
We have a few ideas for you all!!
This is a super-easy way to “sign and send” virtual Valentines to children who will be spending this holiday in the hospital. You can choose to send them to all the hospitals linked (it will only take about 15-20 mins!) or just choose one that is more local to you. This is such a special thing to be a part of, to be able to bless little ones is a whole other level.
Buy flowers for your least favorite person in the office or show gratitude to someone who usually goes overlooked! Don’t be concerned with the romanticism of the holiday. The main point is LOVE.
Get involved in a local charity’s Valentine’s celebrations and love on people who may not have anyone else to spend the day with. FAITHRXD Loudoun (the chapter at Temple Training!) recently went to work with Nest4us to make “blessing bags” as a gift for those who would not otherwise receive a gift on this day!
Go out with other single friends and do a sort of “secret Santa” gift exchange! It can be as simple as a beautiful handmade card!
Spend some time evaluating the ways you currently love others in your life. Are there ways you want to get better, or show others that are important to you how much you care?
Valentine’s Day can be such a wonderful way to show love, and to remember how important it is to express the Love of Christ every day! Intentional time giving from a humble heart helps grow a Kingdom-mindset that will translate to other areas of our lives.
Let us know the ways that you choose to serve in the comments below or on Instagram with the hashtag #SpreadtheLoveGainzwithTT !
Meditate on this Scripture: “‘This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.’” JOHN 15.12-13 NLT
Choose any or all of the items above and feel the Love!
If you feel so called, use the hashtag above so we can see how you are spreading the looovvee.
Email us with any and all questions/comments or about what you would like to see in future blogs! csherrodhealth@gmail.com